Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rationale For The Choice Of Title Essay - 1667 Words
1.0 Title and the Rationale for the Choice of Title The title of this training program is â€Å"Say No to Sexual Harassment†. Sexual harassment means undesirable or unwelcome sexual conduct which makes people feel annoyed, embarrassed or scared (University of Minnesota 2015). Normally, female employees are most likely to be the pity victims of sexual harassment. However, male employees can be the victims too. Appendix 5 shows the snapshot of statistics about sexual harassment in the workplace. For most female today, it is important to get a job in order to be successful and independent women. It is a transformation from past decades. The amount of female employees in the workplace is getting more and more. In Malaysia, female employees consist of 38.60 % of total labor force in 2013. By comparing to 1990, involvement of women in the workplace has increased 1.1% (Trading Economics 2015). Appendix 6 shows the percentages of female workforce in the workplace in Malaysia in different years. Since involvement of women in the workplace is getting more and more, we believe that sexual harassment against female employees will increase. The aim of this training program is to help trainees understand sexual harassment more in the workplace. Sexual harassment is part of the sex discrimination (Australian Human Rights Commission 2015). Sexual harassment in the workplace becomes a common issue in this world. Therefore, sexual harassment training must give to allShow MoreRelated663352 inst Essay1515 Words  | 7 Pagesand ascertain the model of culture that is most appropriate for the selected international competitor. Provide a rationale for your response.  2. Recommend the type of economic system that best relates to each of the researched international competitors. Predict three (3) potential effects of such an economic system on the societies in which the system is involved. Provide a rationale for your response. 3. 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